Our Divine Favor complete kit contains:
- Emulsified Body Butter 8oz
- Emulsified Sugar Foaming Scrub 8oz
- Shimmering Body Lotion 7.5oz
- Essential Perfume Oil 10ml
THE STORY BEHIND THE SCENT PURIFYING: Esther is pulled from her home as a young virgin, to live in the palace to vie to become Queen to the King of Persia. As part of her preparation, she must be massaged daily with spices and perfumes and keep a strict diet for 12 months. She is being purified as she prepares her mind, body, and spirit for her King. And this pleases him.
THE FEATURED INGREDIENT in this product is the sweet marjoram. The Sweet Marjoram is believed to be one of the ingredients used in Esther’s beauty regimen. It is known as a natural treatment for many ailments and is believed to aid in healing from poison, convulsions and edema. It is also a symbol of love, protection, and joy.
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